Tips for keeping kids calm
Last month, we teamed up with Meddy Teddy, the soft, bendable playmate that makes meditation, mindfulness and yoga fun, to ask our Fusion followers on Facebook and Instagram for their tips for calming their little cubs when they feel worked up or overwhelmed.
Here are some of our favourite suggestions;
Melissa B brings the focus to the breath with this top tip: 'I always tell my kids when they are on edge to take three big deep breaths it always helps calm them down before competing or doing anything they are worried about.'
For Belinda B, she knows that communication and a cuddle can always go a long way in creating calm. She says: 'Communication, deep breathing and lots of hugs are our go to's with our three kiddies! If all else fails a big hug is best.'
Tara-Lee K loves to soothe her daughters with song: 'Singing Hush Little Baby' has been something that has worked for my girls, as it's something I sang to both of them ever since they were in my belly. We will also do guided meditations where they picture they are walking through a beautiful garden or floating on a cloud, especially at bed time.'
On Instagram, @kobie_z highlighted the importance of: 'Patience, reassurance, a familiar routine at home and lots of cuddles.' in helping her cubs stay calm.
And when things get overwhelming for @lexyhutcho's little bear, heading outdoors usually helps: 'We like to sit outside and breathe slowly together, taking deep breaths. 5 minutes of breathing helps keep the calm and settle us down.'
At Steph Annie B's place, communication is key in processing feelings and putting things in perspective: 'As part of our bedtime routine, we always share 3 memories of our day. Something fun, something that made us feel upset or frustrated, and something that we or someone else did that was kind.', she says. 'We have always done this from a very young age. I definitely feel like it has encouraged our family to openly express our emotions easily. '
Sue B's little boy especially loves mum's tip! The key to calming her kiddy is: 'Backrubs! It's amazing how addicted to a soothing back massage my munchkin has become‚ when things get too hectic and I suggest a rub, he runs to his little fold out lounge and assumes the position!'
According to Zoe Rebekah, sometimes all you need is to let off some steam!: 'Each day we dedicate 30 minutes to going wild outside, running around and chasing each other. It really allows for a good night's sleep afterwards!'
And finally, how true is this suggestion from Carmen U! 'Like everything, the best cure is prevention. I've learned that a stressed mum = a stressed bub, so I've made a conscious effort not to stress. My baby wakes through the night, so rather than get annoyed at being woken up, I enjoy the quiet time with my baby. I'm now not woken by crying; she either babbles away or makes calling out sounds, and as soon as the light is switched on I'm greeted by the biggest smile.'
If you enjoyed hearing some of these suggestions, be sure to head to our Facebook or Instagram pages for even more ideas on keeping your cubs happy and healthy